Ideal Temperature 18º - 24º
1. Start with wide mouth sprouting jar. Rinse 1 Tbsp of seeds well with cool water and drain. Tip: Sterilise sprouting jar prior to sprouting would reduce any contamination. Click here on how to sterilise your jar. 2. Soak seeds in the sprouting jar with 2 cups of cool water. Cover with sprouting lid & soak for 12 hours. Some seeds like peas and beans require longer soaking time, around 18-24 hours. |
3. Drain water with the lid on. Rinse the seed with cool water and drain. Repeat drain & rinse twice. Give your jar a hearty shake off several times to remove excess water. Shake the jar a little so that the seeds are stuck and spread out evenly on the jar wall. Tilt the jar at an angle to allow excess water to drain off, ensuring the seeds are not sitting in a pool of water. Cover with towel.
Tip: If too much water is left in the jar, the seeds will rot. |
Sprouting progress of broccoli seeds
Sterilising Sprouting Jar
Wash the sprouting jar in hot soapy water, but do not dry them. Instead, leave it to stand upside down on a roasting tray while it is still wet. Pop the tray of clean & wet jar in to a preheated oven at 160-180ºC for about 15 mins.
Wash the sprouting jar in hot soapy water, but do not dry them. Instead, leave it to stand upside down on a roasting tray while it is still wet. Pop the tray of clean & wet jar in to a preheated oven at 160-180ºC for about 15 mins.